Wednesday, May 27, 2009

We are odd

Hell and damnation! Today in class I said the word “memory” appallingly wrong. In fact I said it thus, “if rememory serves…” To make matters worse, I didn’t even catch my mistake. One of my students called me out on it. This is yet another occurrence of a “Hanleyism” coming back to screw me! While certainly the least outlandish of any of the words I could use, as a teacher presented with the task of educating pliable, young minds in the semantics and explications of English, expectorating made-up family lingo is, clearly, inadvisable.

We have our own vernacular, a special Hanley-crafted argot, if you will.
It includes such little gems as-
Funziparty- a really good time.
“I went to the beach yesterday, it was a big funziparty!” (I know for a fact I heard Palms correctly use it in a sentence once.)

Jelly, as in Super-Jelly, or in fact more commonly, Jellyfish- Jealous.
“You’re going on a cruise?! I’m super jelly!” or “I’m completely jellyfish”

Supergigantor- Really big (often used in reference to giant, rogue waves that nearly drown you)
“Did you see that?!? I could have been killed! I have like 90 pounds of sand in my shorts now..”
“yeah! Wow! That was a supergigantor all right!”

Every once in awhile I will say one of these little words in front of a stranger or authority figure, and then realizing it, look around in abject horror waiting for people openly mock me, or stare me down with derision.
These absurd little word amalgams my family and I frequently use, have caused me some trouble in times past, and in fact remain the root-cause of my most horrifyingly embarrassing moment while growing up.
It was at a family Thanksgiving dinner at my Aunt and Uncle’s house many, many years ago. I had a cold. Or, as at that time I was certain it was actually called, A schnoooder-cold. My Aunt Maggie came up to me and inquired what was wrong. I solemnly replied, “oh, I have a schnoooder-cold, but I'm sure I’ll be okay in a few days.” “A what?!?! What did you say you have?!” She asked while laughing in my face. And although she clearly meant nothing malicious by it, her laughter quite truly scarred me for years. Needless to say, “schnoooder-cold” is not a word I use openly in my vocabulary repertoire. My sister has a similar story regarding a Toukie-Toukie bird, more commonly, and in fact, correctly known as a Toucan. Damn you Hanleyisms!