Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I have been blowing it..

I haven’t blogged in over a month and that’s just completely outrageous. I didn’t think it was a problem- I moved to a place without internet, and I don’t really like blogging in the office at school… mostly because none of my coworkers know I have a blog… mostly because sometimes (rarely!) I write uncharitable things about Yemen, or my place of employment. But as I was giving an exam in class today I found myself with surfeit of time on my hands- well okay that’s not at all true, I had 40 papers, 20 quizzes, and 20 tests to grade, a ton of lesson planning to do, and more work being generated by the second... So clearly I was playing about on my email. I keep getting these odd emails in Arabic, always from the same sender, and I just never know what they are. I delete them, I move on. But today (because of the aforementioned abundance of time) I thought I would take a gander and try to ascertain the sender. They were from Facebook! Oh! I woefully neglect my Facebook account, I literally have over a hundred messages in my inbox, and about 90 event reminders/friend requests/group invites. But as I was perusing FB it just made me super nostalgic. It’s an unfortunate amalgamation of feeling like I’m having once-in-a-lifetime experiences and gaining invaluable insight onto another way of life, and wondering if I’m missing out on the best years of my life at home being a young twenty-something on the East Coast with all my friends. Although I do little to retain contact, I’m terrified that if I stay away too long everyone will forget me. I really miss everyone. I am a horrible correspondent, I know this, it’s just that I forget to write back. All the time.
But I think my blog is my main source of connection to home right now. Sometimes people put comments to my posts and my heart soars with well being and contentment! To that end, I will definitely endeavor to maintain my blog more. And Insha’allah I will get internet in my apartment soon.

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