Sunday, May 3, 2009

When it rains it pours... well not really in Yemen because it never effing rains here

As I was standing on the sidewalk a bit ago a bus came up behind me. I was thoroughly engrossed in trying to read a text message in Arabic and must have awkwardly had my shoulders hunched in a way that made my shoulder blades jut out. I cannot quite fathom how this happened but I swear to you when the bus came up behind me the side mirror somehow entangled itself under my shoulder blade and propelled me forward many feet. I now understand how someone can get dragged along by a car to their untimely death. It was so unexpected, so thoroughly shocking that I didn’t even move to free myself, I just let it hook and pull me along the roadway. Luckily a man ran forward and dragged me off of it. It was unreal. And when I finally boarded I was, clearly, extremely preoccupied. All of a sudden something swiped into my eye and ripped out my contact lens! I looked around in bewilderment, it was the bejeweled end of the woman in front of me’s headscarf. Please lady, please get your burka under control.
Yemen has turned on me, it’s pretty clear.


  1. i vote you come to florida and visit me.

  2. Your sister told me of your plight, I'm sorry to hear about all of your troubles. It does however seem like it will be quite a funny story in about, hmmm...., ten years? I've read a few of your other posts and for the most part it sounds like you are having a fun time discovering. Again, good luck with getting everything sorted out. I hope that we don't have to smuggle you out of the country, that could prove to be quite difficult.

  3. If you can't see a BUS coming, you need to pull your head out. I DO have to agree with you on the headscarf situation. Those things are killers. Stop making me worry. Miss your face.
