Friday, May 15, 2009


Ugh. Tomorrow they are making me do a spelling B in class. How awful. Why would I want to do that. I have been putting it off all week, but with the end of the unit nigh, I cannot escape it any longer. I hate spelling b’s they are annoying and pointless. I already give them spelling tests- which don’t openly single someone out in front of the whole class. Also I think they are unfair in word order. Some words are just plain difficult, but the guy before me only had to spell “cookie.” My classes are going to hate it and be loud and obnoxious. Especially because I taught them the words "riot" and "protest" last class because I was cranky that the power kept going out.
I think all my spelling B angst stems from when I was in fifth grade, Mrs. Root’s class at King’s West. I got the word “Champion” to spell. Easy enough, and I knew how to spell it. In the heat of the moment however instead of spelling it C-H-A-M… I combined the first two letters and said “CHAY- A-M-P-I-O-N. “Chay” being my verbal combo of the letters C and H. Mortifying at the time. Clearly it wasn’t enough that I had a bowl cut and MONSTRO, thick glasses, now I was the girl who made up letters. Luckily I was inexplicably popular enough to skate by that little incident without any overt social consequences.


  1. Can you do a spelling B where no one gets eliminated? They just go to the end of the line and then gets recycled? After a while efveryone just gets too tired to go on and you can tell your superiors that no one is eliminated and everyone is too tired to go on. I hated those things, too.

  2. "Can you use it in a sentence?"
    "Taryn lost the spelling bee in fifth grade."
    "Bee. B-E-E. Bee."
    "Very good."

  3. you should wear those glasses again

  4. You should do it on the board (if you have one) with two people at a time. Then they race to spell the word and if they are both stuck their teams can help them. We used to do that in japanese and it was much less embarassing...clearly I never knew what the hell I was doing.

  5. You were ADORABLE with your bowl cut and thick glasses! Wasn't that the time period that Richard kept referring to you as a "he"? I think it was. He meant it as a compliment you know.
