Monday, January 11, 2010

Did I forget to mention that I'm coming home?

Yep. I'm leaving Yemen. Soon. Today actually, in a matter of hours.
Do I want to leave Yemen? No.
Do I feel unsafe here? No.
Am I happy about this? No.
Am I being a good sport about this? Yes.

Clearly I am a self-sufficient adult and quite capable of evaluating risk factors, and making informed, independent decisions. I do however have a very good relationship with my family and friends and respect their opinions and wishes greatly- I have never seen anyone react so strongly- The recent (and hugely exaggerated)Western media frenzy has absolutely destroyed whatever tenuous hold on reputubility Yemen had. I did my best to assure them of my safety, but little I, or others said seemed to make any difference.
Risk aside, the direct requests and appeals to leave Yemen was enough to make me acquiesce to their wishes. Although I feel their alarm is largely unwarranted, in order to honor their wishes, and assuage their concern, I feel it would be in my best interest to leave Yemen early. No one would ever force me to do anything I don't think is in my best interest, but I have recieved empassioned appeals on multiple fronts, and as my friends and family have been an endless source of support and comfort for me throughout my time here, I cannot deny or begrudge them this. And so! I shall be home tomorrow.
I guess I need to find a job. Damn.


  1. Sorry things went this way. Happy for your family that you are coming home at last! Have a safe trip. I am looking forward to reading more and more stories from the unemployed-back-in-WA Taryn.

  2. No!

    So sad to read you are leaving.

    If everyone followed the US and British diplomatic services' advice to the letter, we would never leave home.

    I am, of course, not an expert. After many years of visiting 'dangerous' places for work, I understand that what happens on the ground is not necessarily what is reflected in the media. I do understand that things can develop quickly and that people can get caught up in the troubles that occur.

    Please post some more of your experiences. I have been thoroughly enjoying your blog.
