Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas...bah... Allahmas

Clearly it didn't feel like Christmas at all this year- it still feels like its mid August or early September. As there wasn't the slightest bit of Christmas decoration or cheer around, I didn't really miss it. It was odd not spending Christmas at home amidst my family, absurdly tall tree, and a million beloved traditions.I think if I had been in a place that actually acknowledged Christmas, I would have been overwhelmingly homesick, I kept getting Christmas emails, or getting snow reports- and it just didn't seem real.

I kept trying to make a joke about how Santa wasn't in Yemen, he was back at ho! ho! home! NO ONE appreciated it so I finally had to stop.

We had a Christmas eve family din din- it came down to two americans, a lanky dutch fellow, an Irish lass, a mustachioed Yemeni man, a middle aged Indonesian lady, and a grandma Canadian! Hahah not exactly traditional.
I am made my mother's famous Swiss Bean- but pretty much had to substitute every ingredient for a lame-o attempted equivalent. They turned out similar but not as good. And that was Christmas!

New Years was rather uneventful as well- The Islamic New Year happened earlier in the month and no one really seemed to care that it was 2010. Not just a new YEAR, but a new DECADE! I did however have a suprising amount of people wish me in English, a very "happy birthday!" and also "Happy chrismas!" Close enough.

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