Sunday, July 19, 2009

Some exciting news in my life!

In my Hindi soap opera big things are going down! My family’s grandmother (father’s mother, Indian woman never ever to be found without a wad of tobacco in her lip) and I are addicted to a Hindi soap opera. We call it our “stories” as in “shhhh! Our stories are on!” The whole show is in Hindi so I only pick up on one out of every 45 words or so- no no! Not because I can speak Hindi, but because for some reason every once in a while at an alarming increase in volume the characters will shout out a word in English. Just right in the middle of a tense, pause-for-dramatic-effect, whispered dialogue, all of a sudden the characters will blurt out a singular word in English at a truly incredible volume. Also about half of the show is in slow motion. This is TV at its best. An episode the other day found one of the sisters going to a street vendor to buy a flagon of milk. This scene took about 15 minutes. First she waited in line for awhile, clearly extremely anxious about something (the tense music clued us in that something big was about to happen!) And then! she tripped and spilled the milk everywhere! They showed the scene over and over at various speeds including Super de-duper slow motion. Wringing her hands in anguish and despair took another few minutes along with several slow pans over to the stern and merciless countenance of the milk vendor. Finally someone took pity on her and bought her some more milk. Her face upturned with rapture, her eyes shining with unshed tears, her lip quivering slightly….end scene! Good stuff, solid.
So finally, FINALLY it happened. IT happened. First the beautiful but hapless youngest daughter of a recently impoverished family with shady financial dealings and a dark history of social intrigue SAID YES to a proposal of marriage from a super-cutie, blind, orphanage benefactor. Hamduliallah! It was touch and go for a minute-she didn’t think she deserved him/ didn’t want to get him embroiled in her family’s recent financial woes and checkered past, and the fact that she and her sister had recently, and of course, unwittingly, been dating the same man. In addition she didn’t know that he was the very same wealthy benefactor who had proposed to her via messenger sight unseen several months previous. Right as this was all coming to light in an exciting dénouement with many theatrical slow-motion looks of shock and anguish about THIRTEEN SMALL BABIES ran into the room screaming and playing. Grandma and I were NOT pleased.
At least for now all is well in “Jojunie!” I anxiously await the next episode as this brief period of relative calm and happiness cannot last. Good post? Hah, this is my life now… because I live in Yemen

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