Monday, July 20, 2009

Painfully American!

This weekend I invited Ben to my apartment to grade papers and enjoy the "Painfully American Feast" I was about to create. I wanted to showcase my flair in the kitchen! All in all the menu consisted of:
-chili-curry chicken burgers
-"faluga" which is an ice-cream like treat made from stale bread, burned milk and salt. Just that discription alone is remarkably off putting, but really it's quite tasty. You eat it from a small plastic bag that you bite the corner off of and then suck out the melty goodness.
- non alcoholic beer battered onion rings (which were gross)
- and I finally made Fasoolia, a local spicy bean dish
soo... not so Amerian after all but the chicken burgers had a Kraft singles cheese like substance on them and that's about as American as you can get. Delicious!

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