Friday, April 24, 2009

Animals in Yemen hate their lives

In Aden I live in the region of Khormaksar which has a nice little series of private compounds and infrequently traveled lanes- in fact the gated, walled street ways are quite labyrinth like and if you inadvertently make a wrong turn you can easily end up going ages and ages out of your intended way as you are corralled along. But to get anywhere from my apartment I have to go down a little lane and on my daily sojourn, THE SERIES OF DECAPITATED ANIMAL PARTS I FIND IS SIMPLY ASTOUNDING!

A couple of weeks ago, delicately positioned in a loping stride was the hindquarter and hoof region of a small ruminant, I'm guessing goat.

Earlier this week as I was walking along I spied an adorable little red-and-yellow, children's giraffe figurine. How cute! I even went so far as to comment to Ben how charming I found it. Upon further inspection as I drew closer I realized it was in fact, a severed chicken's foot! It was HUUUUGE and the red part was its bloody stump!

today there was a giant crushed Raven...

Along this lane are two old stray dogs- which Matt affectionately named Rabies and Scabies- and at least we know that they're getting some nice protein in their diets as they gobble up the fetid roadkill..

Also I had the wildest encounter with some birds earlier today- As I was descending the stairwell of my apartment I came upon a crow. I made the usual stomping/kicking motion to shoo it away from my chosen path. It didn't even flinch. The bird didn't move one inch as I drew up to it. Finally I started gently nudging, and then petting it with my shoe. It gazed at me for a moment and then flopped over exposing its downy midriff. Okay.... While I was thoroughly engrossed in this perplexing avian behavior, a bunch of other crows started swooping down toward me and landed by my feet all around me. They started cawing extremely loudly, screaming and flapping their wings, one of the birds was salivating and drooling into a little pool... It was so dang Hitchcock I hightailed it right out of there.

I was reminded the other day that I have been utterly remiss in mentioning Kitten. I mentioned the Fuffster, I mentioned my two little munchkins, but I neglected to mention Kitten! I do miss Kitten, I swear I do! What happens when you and your beloved college roommate get bored one day and then drunk? You adopt a cat!

In a nearby suq they sell baby monkeys for $5.00 I've been pretty bored at times around here... luckily alcohol is illegal so clearly I haven't been inspired to adopt a monkey. Yet.


  1. Just because Tiggy is only awake for 2 hours a day doesn't mean you can forget her.

  2. Wait? You have another cat? Named Tiggy? Whatttt?!?!

    Look at that lovely little kitten! I'll tell her you were thinking about her and missed her so much that you included her in a blog about ripped apart animal parts and rabid crows. She'll be so happy!

  3. 1. I agree about the Tiggy thing. You cannot neglect Tiggy, who I only came to learn about after 4 years of friendship with you.

    2. I too believe that kitten will enjoy being posted about in a post that details mangled dead animals.

    3. This post reminds me of that decapitated chicken in the lakehouse yeard, which reminds me of cleaning out your basement for the Rave, which further reminds me of several things

    -me hucking that crate into the crawlspace and promptly smashing all of the blacklights, causing us to have to go out and search for many new ones.

    -carrying that giant dresser up the steep, dank spidery steps....

    -one splash of funky bucket water...I need not explain further.

  4. What kind of monkeys are they? Capuchins are one of the smartest species, which is why they are used in movies so much. Indiana Jones, Friends, Outbreak
