Monday, November 16, 2009

The results are in!

The results from my super funziparty poll are in! the winner: HOME! I suspect various family members had a lot to do with that one..
In second place: Istanbul! Which, is far more likely. I'm suprised by only one vote for Tunisia- which was the place I was decidedly leaning towards when I initially posted the poll.
I am entirely discounting the "Other" category which received a whopping 2 votes because I know that one of those votes was by Hookie pulling for Coopersburg, Pennsylvania and the other from Torbs for Minnesota... This was a serious poll!

In other news- I am astounded and apalled that my last THREE posts have been about teaching and my classes. Ugh. Looks like this gal needs to get a life! I shall endeavor henceforth to post about other things. Like.. QAT! and... Goats everywhere! And... water shortages! And... my new good buddy, the security guard!
Shall I do another poll?!

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