Thursday, November 12, 2009


Instantly what do you think this is a picture of?!

It’s supposed to be a girl with a fever but my goodness it looks like she’s breaking the news to a soon to be father. I first discovered this pic mid lecture and turned beet red and started sweating and giggling in class. I wrote in the margin, “pregnant?” so the next teacher who got my book would get to partake in the fun. Luckily not a single student thought that it was even slightly suspect and all shouted out that the poor girl had a fever. I chose not to elucidate, it would be highly uncomfortable. In fact the other day I was teaching about parts of the body and got all flustered when I realized we were slowly and inexorably heading south and WHAT SHOULD I SAY, BOTTOM OR BUTT?! CAN I JUST IGNORE IT?! NO ONE PREPARED ME FOR THISSSSS!


  1. What does it say about our culture then? That we definitely assume this is a pregnancy scare? (She does look terrified btw)

  2. Just so you know, I looked at the illustration and thought, fever.
