Saturday, August 15, 2009

my life is a mess

okay maybe not my life so much, but certainly my apartment. It all stems from the fact that for the first time ever I don't have and OCDish, neat-freak roommate (at various stages: JSmags, Marv, Michelle) or in the very least my mother, or someone with whom I am sharing communal living spaces with. I live in Yemen so clearly I don't have a male suitor whom might come acalling, I'm not trying to impress anyone here. And because of this my inner hobo has reared it's ugly head. I was opening a piece of gum last night and I just casually flung the wrapper onto the floor. WHAT. Get it together Taryn. I need to hang up my clothes, I need to put away the dishes, I need to take out the garbage. I hate doing the dishes and taking out the trash. Taking out the trash is exceedingly complicated because there's just no place to put it. There aren't any bins. My landlord has told me about 13 different things to do with it. Thus far everytime I've taken it out and put it in a new place I've been lightly admonished by my elderly corner homeless man. He's very nice about it though. I dread taking out the trash now, and put it off for far too long. I love fresh air and tend to accidently leave the window open- I live in a dusty wind-tunnel so that proves problematic as well. I need my poppa to come over and do one of his famous(infamous) whirlwind cleaning/organizing extravaganazas whereby he throws away 90% of your possesions but by god, you are ORGANIZED.

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