Monday, August 24, 2009


Yemen has two types of tea- both served boiling lava hot and sugary-sweet in tiny little cups. The local favorite is called "shay haleeb" which is tea with milk. It's quite nice, but milk is one of two foods that I purposefully avoid (the other being canned tuna. The smell makes me nausey) so I prefer to order the other kind. The other type, "shay ahmar," or red tea, is served with fresh cardammon and mint and is completely delicious. Shay haleeb is the Adenee favorite so if you want red tea you must specify.
Now here's where it gets mildly tricky. In formal Arabic, the word "red" is "ahmar" but in the local Adenee dialect it is "himar" another word that is extremely similar, hard to remember, and(apparently) impossible for a non-native speaker to differentiate is the word "hamar".
So the other day I ordered a tasty glass of red tea, only instead of saying "shay ahmar" I accidently said "shay hamar" more commonly known as a tall glass of DONKEY tea. Woopsie!

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